KotiNewsThe 2024 USDGC qualifying tournaments have been announced - two DGPT events...

The 2024 USDGC qualifying tournaments have been announced – two DGPT events are missing

The USDGC, which stands for United States Disc Golf Championship, is the highlight of the season for many disc golfers. To participate in the competition, one must earn qualification from one of the qualifying tournaments held in the US or Europe. The USDGC is one of the four majors of the season.

Automatic invitations to the competition are extended to all past champions as well as the top 10 players from the previous year.

In 2024, there are four spots available from each major tournament and almost every event on the Disc Golf Pro Tour (DGPT) circuit. The schedule includes all DGPT events except Waco and The Open, which are scheduled for consecutive weekends in March. The full list of four spots is visible below:

  1. Chess.com Invitational – Brooksville, FL (Feb 23-25, 2024)
  2. Texas State Championship – Houston, TX (Mar 29-31, 2024)
  3. Jonesboro Open – Jonesboro, AR (Apr 12-14, 2024)
  4. Music City Open – Nashville, TN (Apr 19-21, 2024)
  5. PDGA Champions Cup – Morton, IL (Apr 25-28, 2024)
  6. Dynamic Discs Open – Emporia, KS (May 3-5, 2024)
  7. OTB Open – Stockton, CA (May 17-19, 2024)
  8. Portland Open – Portland, OR (May 30-June 2, 2024)
  9. Beaver State Fling – Estacada, OR (June 7-9, 2024)
  10. Preserve Championship – Clearwater, MN (June 21-23, 2024)
  11. Des Moines Challenge – Indianola, IA (July 5-7, 2024)
  12. European Open – Nokia, Finland (July 17-21, 2024)
  13. Ledgestone Open – Peoria, IL (Aug 8-11, 2024)
  14. Idlewild Open – Burlington, KY (Aug 9-11, 2024)
  15. PDGA Pro World Championships – Lynchburg, VA (Aug 21-25, 2024)
  16. Discraft Great Lakes Open – Milford, MI (Sept 5-8, 2024)
  17. Green Mountain Open – Jeffersonville, VT (Sept 19-22, 2024)
  18. MVP Open – Leicester, MA (Sept 26-29, 2024)

Each DGPT Europe Elite event offers two spots to the USDGC. This year, only 16 spots are allocated in Europe, including the European Open and Alutaguse Open. It’s important to note that competition for European spots is much tougher compared to last year, as there are significantly more top players from the United States on the starting lists. Additionally, spots are distributed in seven selected PDGA A-tier events in the United States.

  1. City of Mobile Championships – Semmes, AL (Mar 1-3, 2024)
  2. The Challenge at Goat Hill Park – Oceanside, CA (May 3-5, 2024)
  3. Las Vegas Challenge – Henderson, NV (May 9-12, 2024)
  4. The 303 Open – Federal Heights, CO (May 9-11, 2024)
  5. Foxwood Open – Baden, Ontario Canada (May 10-12, 2024)
  6. Copenhagen Open – Copenhagen, Denmark (May 10-12, 2024)
  7. Turku Open – Turku, Finland (June 14-16, 2024)
  8. Swedish Open – Boras, Sweden (June 28-30, 2024)
  9. BC Open – Aldergrove, BC (June 27-30, 2024)
  10. Krokhol Open – Oslo, Norway (July 12-14, 2024)
  11. European Disc Golf Festival – Talinn, Estonia (July 26-28, 2024)
  12. Alutaguse Open – Johvi, Estonia (Sept 9-11, 2024)
  13. Diameter Open – Toronto, ON, CA (Sept 13-15, 2024)

The available spots are always awarded to the top four or two players who haven’t secured a spot yet.

See all the qualifying information in the official website of the USDGC.

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