Koti News “Mixed, but relieved feelings” – Väinö Mäkelä comments about the end of...

“Mixed, but relieved feelings” – Väinö Mäkelä comments about the end of the 10 year partnership

Väinö Mäkelä ends prodigy
Väinö Mäkelä competed in Turku Open for the last time under Prodigy Discs. Photo: DGPT / Marika Salmi

The most followed Finnish disc golfer, Väinö Mäkelä, announced on Instagram that he is ending his partnership with Prodigy Discs. Mäkelä represented Prodigy Discs for 9.5 years and served as the company’s figurehead in Finland and Europe.

“Mixed, but relieved feelings,” Väinö Mäkelä tells Frisbeegolfmedia. “This has been worked on for a long time, and now it finally happens.”

Mäkelä says that discussions with Prodigy had been ongoing for a long time: “This process started in my mind at the end of December, and since then it has been worked on,” Mäkelä reveals. “This originates from my will. The main reason is that I am looking for a new path; a childlike passion for playing is the fundamental thing here.”

Väinö Mäkelä has been actively competing in the United States this spring; he participated in 13 competitions during the spring season in the United States. Mäkelä admits that the contract issue has weighed on his mind during the spring: “It has been stressful because I haven’t been able to talk about it to anyone during the process.”

Väinö Mäkelä will compete in the DGPT Europe Elite competition at the Swedish Open in Sweden on June 28-30, 2024. When asked which discs he plans to play with in Sweden, he answers mysteriously: “That remains to be seen.”




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