KotiNewsClash Discs releases a disc made of bioplastic

Clash Discs releases a disc made of bioplastic

Clash Discs has once again unveiled a new innovation. The company announced a new type of bioplastic that will be used in a significant portion of its disc golf discs in the future. According to Clash Discs it might be the first of its kind in the world.

Named Planty, this plastic is plant-based. The company emphasizes that environmental issues have been crucial from the very beginning, and Planty is the result of extensive development work. The goal is for disc golfers to be able to play with a fully “bio-based bag” in the future.

According to team players who have tested the disc, Planty feels like premium plastic and resembles Steady plastic.

Clash Discs refuses to disclose to Frisbeegolfmedia what material the disc is made of. A company representative reveals that the world’s largest disc manufacturers have been inquiring about the secret, as they have been trying to develop similar materials themselves.

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