KotiNewsU.S. Disc Golf Retail Giant OTB Expands into Europe – Joins as...

U.S. Disc Golf Retail Giant OTB Expands into Europe – Joins as a Main Partner of the World Championships

One of the biggest names in disc golf retail, OTB Discs, is making a major move into the European market. The U.S.-based company will open Europe’s largest disc golf store this summer at Ale Disc Golf Center in Nol, Sweden. The new location will not only serve as a physical retail hub but also operate as the company’s fulfillment center for online orders across Europe.

Founded in California, OTB has rapidly grown into one of the largest disc golf retailers in the world, despite the challenges of an evolving market. Now, the company is taking a bold step forward by strengthening its presence in Europe and aligning with one of the sport’s most prestigious events.

“At OTB, we’ve always focused on delivering an unmatched customer experience. From the most detailed product listings in the industry to our fast, reliable shipping and knowledgeable staff, we’ve built a reputation for being the go-to disc golf retailer. We’re not just a store—we’re a community-driven brand that genuinely cares about the sport. Our move into Europe isn’t just about expansion; it’s about bringing that same level of passion, service, and innovation to European players”, Danny Corbett, CEO of OTB describes.

A Major Presence at the World Championships

As part of its expansion, OTB is stepping into a major partnership role for the 2025 Disc Golf World Championships. The company will have a strong presence throughout the event, including:

  • A retail booth at the Disc Golf Expo, in collaboration with Discraft
  • Visibility across all event materials, solidifying its brand presence
  • Featured course branding, with OTB appearing at Hole 15 in Nokia and Hole 2 in Tampere

“It’s fantastic to have OTB as a retail partner for the World Championships. It highlights the international scale of the event. OTB is a unique disc golf company that places a strong focus on consumers and customers,” says Tournament Director Jussi Meresmaa.

The partnership with the Disc Golf World Championships marks a significant step in OTB’s European strategy, ensuring that the brand will be at the center of one of the biggest disc golf events in history.

“The Disc Golf World Championships is the pinnacle of our sport, and we’re incredibly excited to be a major partner for the 2025 event. We could not be more excited about Europe finally getting to host a Professional World Championship. It’s the perfect opportunity to showcase OTB’s commitment to disc golf on a global level. We’re looking forward to providing an amazing retail experience at the event, collaborating with Discraft, and engaging with fans and players from all over the world. This partnership is a statement—OTB is here to help grow the game in Europe and beyond”, Corbett says.

OTB Europe Set to Launch in May

In addition to its involvement in the World Championships, OTB will officially launch its European operations with a grand opening event on May 30th in Sweden. With this expansion, OTB aims to bring its renowned customer service, extensive product selection, and strong brand presence to the growing European disc golf market.

This summer promises to be a landmark moment for both OTB and the sport of disc golf in Europe, as the company cements its position as a major player on a global scale.

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